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The Cuyahoga County Animal Abuse Registry is established pursuant to Chapter 1401 of the Cuyahoga County Code as a public service tool for organizations and individuals offering pets for adoption. Individuals listed on this registry have been convicted of felony animal abuse, and are prohibited from adopting, purchasing, harboring, or acting as a custodian or caretaker of a companion animal within Cuyahoga County. Violators will be subject to a $500.00 civil fine for each violation.

This information is not made available for you to take action against any individual. Any action against an offender that is determined to be a violation of law will subject the violator to arrest and prosecution. Please report all information with the Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department at or (216) 443-6000.

Please enter your name, email, and click Submit. You will be notified when any new offenders are added to the system:
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Last Name:*
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* required